Game Samples
World Building and Character Profiles

Bark Examples
Training Dummy
On Hit:
“I’ve had worse!” “Ow! Hehe, not really.” “That the best you’ve got?”
On Attack: “If I could move, you’d be toast.” “Take that! Ha, made you flinch.” “Staring contest, go!”
On Defeat: “I’ll be baaaaack.”
On Hit:
“Ouches!” “Erk!” “Bwah!” “Curses you!”
On Attack:
“Takes that human!” “Bite steal!” “You never defeat goblins!”
On Defeat:
“Raaaag!” “Mine’s gems!” “Avenge me!”
Friendly Shopkeep
“Welcome traveler, what can get for you?” “Hello, friend.” “You’re just in time, we’re having a sale!”
On Look at Item Details:
“Ah, you have an eye for quality I see?” “You’ll not find a better deal in a hundred miles!” “I was saving that just for you!”
On Sell Item:
“A fine trade!” “I wouldn’t normally take such a thing, but for you, it’s a deal!” “Of course!”
On Buy Item:
“You won’t regret it!” “Anything else?” “Splendid, splendid!”
On Exit:
“Come back soon!” “Until next time my friend.” “Don’t forget to come back and restock!”
Underpaid Shopkeep
“Great, another customer…” “Yeah?” “There goes my break…”
On Look at item Details:
“Look you want it or not?” “Mhmm…” “You break it you buy it.”
On Sell Item:
“Great, more junk to shelf…” “Uh huh…” “I guess I’m required to take it.”
On Buy Item:
“Whatever…” “That it?” “Hurray, another dollar for the boss…”
On Exit:
“Later.” “See ya.” “Try not to die or whatever.”
Item Description Samples
Wooden Stick : “It’s technically better than nothing.”
Iron Sword: “It’s pretty heavy and kind of sharp. Just watch where you swing it.”
Copper Sword: “Copper isn’t normally better than Iron in a fight, but it does conduct magic better.”
Silver Sword: “Werewolves watch out.”
Gold Sword: “It’s technically just a gilded sword, but marketing said that was too many letters”
Ruby Sword: “It’s actually made of crystalized blood. Or strawberry jam. Lick it to find out.”
Emerald Sword: “Green means "Go" when it comes to stabbing someone.”